Georgia/Bama Line! (1/2/17)

QIC: Zebra

PAX: Manti, Dunphy, Cake, Herschel, Zebra

Warmup: We get moving quick and stay moving along the football field where we circle up for SSH, Mountain Climbers, & Imperial Walkers IC.  No time to rest we need to stay warm.

Thang:  Since the College Football Playoff kicked off Monday night with Georgia and Alabama coming out on top, I decided that our workout would be based on those two victories.  Here we go:

We spell GEORGIA

Gap Jumps 100 yards

Elevator Squats x 100

Oyo Burpees x 10

Rubios x 100

Gate touches x 3 (Up the hill on the bowl and touch the gate and back down)

Irkins x 100

Age Flutter Kicks (Your age is the rep #)

We spell BAMA

Burpees x 10

Age HR Merkins

Merkins x 50

Age Big Boy Situps

To the STAIRS we go…

Because Georgia was the 3rd ranked team in the county and scored 54 points we run 54 steps up down for a total of 3 times.

Because Alabama leaped frog the #1 team and won by 18 points we skipped each step and ran 18 steps 1 time.

Mosey to parking lot…

Since Atlanta (the site of the National Championship game) is roughly 300 miles away we took turns doing 25 IC exercises to end the morning.  Man was it cold!

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