Longwood Mosey

QIC: Zebra, Space Jam, Manti

Pax: Zebra, Space Jam, Manti

Warm-Up: We began early with a little fellowship & some Godsmack while waiting for any Pax to arrive for a Thursday beat down of epic proportions!  A mosey down Main Street in Salem to the Farmer’s Market gets us ready.

Thang: A group effort consisting of running & a variety of exercies all while we brave the heavy rain and wind gusts that seem to have left the rest of F3 Roanoke in bed for the morning.

Round 1: Sprint to City Hall avoiding the Farmer’s Market obstacles of cars, parking spaces, tables, various shrubs, and sidewalks.  Once we got to the Main entrance steps we commenced to do 25 Merkins, 5 Burpees.

Round 2: Sprint from City Hall to Roanoke College through student parking and avoiding the rising creek and debris that has started to impact our visibility.  Exercises consist of 20 SSH, 10 Carolina Dry-docks.

Round 3:  Sprint from Roanoke College to City of Salem Registrar’s Office.  We somehow managed to navigate through Wednesday night Church service hold-overs as well as the remnants of election night (protestors & signs).  Exercise consists of 40 Semi-incline Merkins.

Round 4: Sprint from Salem Registrar’s Office back to City Hall which was a challenge because the mass lines at Mill Mountain Coffee.  Despite the obstructions we push on and meet at steps for exercise of 15 Hands out-Military-Merkins, 5 rounds of squat jumps on the steps.

Round 5: Sprint from City Hall to Roanoke College again…creek is now overflowing so add a swim to this travel…we congregate for exercises of 40 Merkins; 30 Rubios

Round 6: Sprint from Roanoke College to Salem Presbyterian Church for 40 Decline Merkins and then back to Farmer’s Market for 50 Jack Webbs with some sort of construction equipment (HEAVY).

Recover, Recover

No names today – too exhausted

Mill Mountain Coffee is next door for a morning burst!

*Quick note; objects in this post may be larger or smaller depending on the size and clarity of your operating mirror…FUN TIME though