More Terribler


PAX: Blindspot, Zebra, Herschel, Ari Gold, Space Jam, Glee, Frack, Tollbooth, Dunphy

Q: Dunphy

Well, I profess, I’m not sure I delivered on my promise to top Blindspot’s burner from yesterday, but I sure tried, and I’d like to say we smoked ’em pretty good. Here’s how it went under Old Glory at #Sparta this morning:

Warm Up: Run the stadium steps, up and down all 5 (or 4?) aisles, no skunks. (Can we pause here to say just how clean the stadium was this morning…rumor is Zebra powerwashed it himself yesterday.) Circle up on the field for Low Plank Hold, Merkins x10 IC, WMH x10 IC, IW x20 IC, SSH x25 IC, WM x10 IC…again, no skunks, but smelled one nearby.


Line up on the goal line.
Round 1: Lunge Walk to the 50, stopping every 5 yards for 5 squats, sprint to opposite goal line.
Round 2: Bear Crawl to 50, stopping every 10 yards for 10 merkins, sprint to opposite goal line.
Round 3: Lunge Walk to the 50, stopping every 5 yards for 5 squats and 10 Jack Webbs, sprint to opposite goal line.
Round 4: Backward lunge walk to the 50, stopping every 10 yards for 5 burpees, sprint to opposite goal line.

Partner up.
Round 1: One partner scales the stadium steps (and back), one partner rotates between 10 merkins, 20 flutter kicks, AMRAP. Switch and repeat.
Round 2: One partner scales the stadium steps, one partner rotates between 10 squats, 20 Jack Webbs, AMRAP. Switch and repeat.
Round 3: One partner scales the stadium steps, one partner rotates between 5 double merkin burpees, 10 SSH, AMRAP. Switch and repeat.

Dealer’s Choice: Box Cutters, American Hammers, LBCs, Freddie Mercuries, Big Boy Situps, Plank-o-rama, Penguin Crunches (WHERE IS BOBTAIL?!?), Basic Instincts. 15 IC of most, if I recall.


Beautiful morning to lead this great group. Thanks for the privilege!