Feats of Strength

QIC: Acorn

PAX: Charlatan, Frack, Acorn, LegZ, HC3, Toll Booth, Pinky, Thumper, Herschel


I had been plotting this workout for days, and it’s a good thing because I didn’t get home from work until 9:30 last night.  After loading most of the coupons into my car last night (in the rain), I went to bed.  This would be the appropriate time to point out that some of the softer members of the PAX suggested we relocate the workout to a dry venue (Pinky).  After some sideline chatter this rebellion was squashed (#resistance).

At 0420 the youngest of my 2.0’s was up and I so was I…  I gathered the remaining objects and hit the road.  At 0600 I arrived in plenty of time to set up.  Thanks be to Herschel for showing up right after me to help with the tractor tire.


At 0630 we began with:

  • 25 arm circles IC while the PAX finished assembling.
  • Next a modified indian sprint around the track.  Last member of the PAX drops and does 5 merkins and then sprints to the front, yells out “Up” whereupon the six drops and does 5 merkins, etc.  We completed one cycle in exactly one lap.
  • 15 WMH IC
  • 5 Merkins IC

The Thang

We took a quick mosey to explore the 8 stations that would be the morning’s workout.

  1. 40 Merkins
  2. Run 1 lap
  3. 20 overhead anvil presses
  4. Tire flip (25 yards)
  5. 80 lbs x 2 Farmer’s Carry (50 yards)
  6. Fireman’s carry (50 yards) form of a railroad tie
  7. Chain drag/carry (100 yards)
  8. Sandbag heave x 4


Recover, Recover

  • Incredible workout today.  The encouragement from the time keepers and onlookers was truly commendable.
  • T-claps to Thumper for not splitting his chest open. #Beast.
  • As expected, Pinky took home all of the hardware with an incredible 6 minute display of manly prowess


COT, Thoughts/prayers with Houston, TX