Epic F3 Ultimate Football: Grass In All The Wrong Places

QIC: Solo

PAX: Space Jam, Cake, Primetime (Cake 2.0), Ari Gold, Blind Spot, Jeter, Solo

This morning in Salem, 7 PAX gathered at Longwood Park. We began with a dark mosey toward the football field.

Once there we proceeded with standard warmup maneuvers:

  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • 10 WMH
  • 30 SSH
  • 10 Imperial Walkers

Feeling bad for all of the disappointed Salemites that were unable to get their football on this past Tuesday, we decided to hold the makeup event. Numbered off and got 2 teams:

Team 1: Jeter, Blindspots, Primetime, and Solo

Team 2: Cake, Space Jam, and Ari Gold

Rules of the game: Play like ultimate, but every possession change results in 10 merkins for all. When a touchdown is scored, scoring team gets 10 merkins, while the scored on team gets 10 burpees.

Team 1 won the imaginary coin toss and elected to receive first. Jeter (the ultimate tactical player) and Blindspot (Salem’s Randy Moss) managed to thread the needle and pick up a quick score.

Team 2 was quick to answer when Space Jam busted out with his secret audible interference to give them the defensive edge. Cake lobbed the plastic pigskin across the goal line to Ari Gold and the game was all tied up.

At half time we headed to the three tier bleachers for some derkins and deep squats (deep for some).

The Second Half began with the exciting change of swapping Merkins for an all new, modified squat while simultaneously doing arm circles.

Team 1 hit the second half hard with an incredible hustle from Primetime! This resulted in 2 quick scores.

Team 2 responded with a brilliant display of talent, but was unable to reduce the crushing deficit.

2 Minute Drill (was really like a 10 minute drill) Possession changes resulted in 10 burpees for all. Any touchdown was worth double!

Team 2 seized their opportunity and decided to tie things up.

OVERTIME or Triple sudden death elimination round – After minutes of intense volly, Team 1 managed to bring home the W thanks to a series of quick passes.

Recover Recover

By the end of the day we were probably at about 150 Merkins, 70 Burpees, 10 (4-count) Low Squats, 10 (4-count) Derkins, and about 40 modified squatting arm circles.

Ari Gold informed us that he is newly employed with Northside! Congratulations!

Good Job Fellas!