June 5th

5 PAX were able to beat the fartsack and start the week off right! Where were the rest of you???????




Rail-road run up ramps to 5, back down steps to G. Circle up for: 30 SSH, 10 WMH, 10 Abe Vogtas, 20 IW, 50 AC

****Directly after the warm-up we have breaking news….Let it be known that June 5th is the date Space Jam finally loses the hoodie. I know we were taking bets at one point, who won??

PAX grab a couple sand bags, bricks, and dumbells and head over to other side of deck.


Thang- Circuits


One member of the PAX will run up ramps 1 and 2, then down steps and back to start with a sandbag on shoulders. Other members cycling through the following exercises:

Round 1

L-Raises w/ bricks

Bicep curls w/ 25lb dumbbells

Wall Walks (worst…by far)

Squats w/ sandbag


Round 2

Iron Hulks w/ bricks

Tricep ext w/ dumbbells

Wall Sit

Thrusters w/ sandbags

*Glee took a bit different route on his run as to make sure we got plenty of work in, thanks buddy!

**We all did our best Commodore impressions this morning w/ the humidity ridiculously high. Can only imagine what his sweat pool would’ve looked like today….



30 Flutter Kicks IC, 30 American Hammer IC, 30 LBC’s IC, 30 BBS OYO, 30 Penguin Crunches




*F3 Roanoke heading up to Charlottesville THIS Saturday to Q the workout, leaving at 4:30am, back around 11:00am. Make it happen if you can!


Good work this morning, only way to begin the week!