Should Be Some Cardio

Got a 10 PM text from Blindspot asking if the Q was going to be “cardio intensive”.  My response: “Should be some cardio.”  Ask and ye shall receive.

Burpees at 0530 waiting for Twitch to get out of his car.  Add Puffs, that makes 11 PAX.  Grab sand bags and run to parking deck.  Run up deck, ramp-stair-ramp-etc to top.

Warm Up:  SSH x51, WMH x10, IW x25, Arm Circles x25, Jack Webbs x25, Reverse Arm Circles x25, Overhead Claps x35, all IC.  Run down to G and back to 6 grabbing sandbags on the way.  Cat Scratch was oddly silent through warm up which had us worried, but then he began to complain on the run…he’s okay.


(Exercises from my mom’s workout on Saturday in Philly, which wrecked me!)

1 minute of hand release merkins with alternating leg to chest.  Run down to G and back up to 6, 2 PAX take 40 lb sand bags down and up each round.  Flutter kicks until everyone is back.

1 minute of 2 squats followed by a jump squat, right into the next squat 2-1-2-1, etc.  Run down to G and back to 6, next two sandbaggers.  2 squats followed by a jump squat until everyone is back.

1 minute of one-leg burpees with 90 deg jump, switch leg when you complete the circle.  Run to G and back to 6, next two sandbaggers.  One-leg burpees with 90 deg jump until everyone is back.

1 minute of big boy situps with a partner, switch, repeat.  Run to G and back to 6, next two sandbaggers.  LBCs until everyone is back.

1 minute of pop-up merkins alternating between wide grip and ranger merkins – holy moly.  Run down to G and back to 6, next two sandbaggers.  LBCs until everyone is back.

Mary:  Basic Instinct, 6 inch hold

Recover, recover


Super strong effort this morning from the entire PAX.  Pretty sure we had a few spill some merlot this am on a beautiful 44 degree morning.  Space Jam was not the only one in a sweatshirt to start, but he was the only one in a sweatshirt at the end!

T-Claps to Space Jam who went 5 for 5 (Monday through Friday) last week!  Strong work brother.

With Thursdays now going in Salem and Saturdays up and running, who will be the first to go 6 for 6?  Prize to the winner.