Enough Already

YHC and Cake, oddly chipper after a late night of watching the Heels bring it home, led the Salem PAX this am at Longwood Park.

Warm Up:  Run the loop around the fitness trail.  Commodore tracked us down using hearing alone and joins up to make 7.  Disclaimer, then:  SSH x33, IW x33, WMH x10, GM x10, Arm Circles x33, Reverse Arm Circles x33, MC x33, all IC and to commemorate UNC’s 33rd and most important win of the season.  (Blindspot already rolling his eyes…)

To the stage.  33 merkins, run up the grassy knoll, 33 Jump Squats, back down, low squat hold until all PAX return.  Repeat with 22, repeat with 11, repeat with 5, for an ugly 71…to match the apparently minimum amount of points you need to win a national championship.

Cake takes over:  back to the lot, each parking space 2 monkee humpers, 2 peter parkers IC, next space, 4 of each, then 6, 8, 10, back down, back up, back down, to the end of the lot.  To the picnic shelter.  20 Dips IC, 20 Urkins, 15 Dips IC, 15 Urkins, 10 Dips IC, 10 Urkins, 5 Dips IC, 5 Urkins,

Mary:  50 Penguin Crunches IC


Welcome FNG Xzibit!