The simple things in life hurt the most

Where were you this morning?

Was it too early to get your butt out of bed to make it to the workout site? You’re sad. So SAD (and weak too!).

Was 22 degrees too cold for you? Loser. Huge Loser. Plus it was warm. Everyone thought it was warm. 100% of PAX said WARM! You can ask them, its so true.

Well there were 8 strong PAX that weren’t sad losers. And they showed up for a beat down. They don’t know it but they have BlindSpot to blame for that beat down for taunting me in email.

At 5:29:30 Cake rolls in gloating “No burpees, I’m early”. True but maybe CatScratch will be late….Alas no CatScratch (see above for my feelings about that). Also no Dunphy (see above). Commodore (see above). Twitch (see above). Puffs (see above). I could go on….

The mystery of whether CatScratch was rolling in let me forget to look at my watch….shit, its 5:30:36…we are LATE. So LATE. I suck. Gotta go.

We warmed up with 2 laps around the parking circle. BlindSpot pointed out that the PAX were sharp this morning when someone mentioned we had been here before on lap two. At the start of lap three we veered off course and ran down to Overland Rd. On the drive in I saw someone walking their dog on the fields next to the road, so that seemed like a good place to circle up. We started the normal routine 25 SSH IC, 25 IW IC, 25 Arm Circles (forward only, no need to get tired yet)…and then to clean up after that dog we did 25 roll-over merkins IC. Now that the field is clean, we run again.

We cross over to the parking lots and just as I promised last time we were over in this neck of the woods we lined up with the longest row of parking spaces we could find. Everyone was happy. So HAPPY. No one was miserable.

And so we started. 1 merkin, 1 squat. Increase by 1 each space. We have a hell of a lot of spaces and 30 minutes to kill. When we hit 15, we went back down to 1. When we hit 1 we went back up to 15. Rinse repeat. Up down step. Up down step. Ask person next to you what number it is and why you can’t feel your arms. Then keep going. Up down step. Up down step.

Q shouts out “See its so WARM, its not freezing anymore.” Double Humpee retorts “Except your heart. Thats still frozen”. Well, call me the Grinch!

There was a break in the parking spots at #57 (Cake, if you don’t think I spotted the number beforehand you misunderestimate the level of anal-retentiveness at my core!). So if you made it to #57 you did 449 merkins (not counting those roll-overs) and 449 squats. Not bad men!!

We jog back to the parking lot. Straight into the wind. So WARM!

Back at the cars at 6:17:05. Q messed up clock management.

Have a great weekend!!! It will be warmer this weekend so the lazy, sad losers who missed this morning (see above) can get it done OYO this weekend!

(Very small sidenote. Please feel free to disregard. There is no Q for Monday. As you may well be aware I am in charge of Mondays and will HAPPILY Q again. But you are warned if I don’t see a Q signed up by 5PM today I am taking it. You have been warned!!!)