6 PAX show up for the coldest day yet here at F3 Roanoke!
40 SSH, 20 IW, 10 WMH, 50 AC, 10 ATM’s all done IC…annnd 5 Balls to the Wall Walks OYO for good measure
Run up ramps 1, 2 and 3, back down stairs and across to original AO
*Note- This was the course prepared for circuits but Q has to make an audible as this was entirely too long.
Thang- Ice Cold Circuits
Round 1
One member of the PAX runs up ramps 1 & 2 and back down stairs to G with a sandbag while PAX perform the following exercises:
Wall Sit, Bottom-out-Burpees, Squats w/ Sandbag, Feet on Basketball Push-ups (probably need to name this one soon), Lunges
Round 2, run same course minus the sandbag. PAX perform the following:
L-Raises w/ dumbbells, Catalina Wine Mixers, Bicep Curls, Trusters w/ Sandbag, Step-Back Lunges
Mary- Dealers Choice Ramp
One member of PAX calls out an exercise, thenruns up the ramp, 10 BBS, back down. Exercises completed:
Flutter Kicks, Box Cutters, LBC’s, Penguin Crunches, 6 Inch Hold, Dying Cockroach
Names, Count, COT
Fine work gentlemen, let’s keep it rolling strong through the heart of winter!