A stroll around the neighborhood

A stroll around the neighborhood

Warm up:
21 Imperial Walker IC
21 Forward Arm Circles IC
21 Reverse Arm Circles IC

India run to back of VTCRI (~0.25 miles) and then:
Bear crawl around street circle
5 burpees
Squats until everyone is done bear crawling and doing burpees.

Indian run to Dr. Pepper Park (~0.3mile) and then at the beginning of parking lot do mini-BOMBS on your own:
1) 5 burpees; 10 overhead claps; 10 merkins; 10 big-boy situps; 10 squats; run to end of parking lot and back
2) 10 burpees; 20 overhead claps; 20 merkins; 20 big-boy situps; 20 squats; run to end of parking lot and back
3) 15 burpees; 25 overhead claps; 25 merkins; 25 big-boy situps; 25 squats; run to end of parking lot and back
4) 50 LBCs
5) Plank it out or join F3 still working on mini-BOMBS
6) Jumping burpees to end of parking lot
7) Lunge walk back to beginning of parking lot.
8) Indian run to first floor of garage (~0.4miles).

21 American hammer IC’
15 box cutters IC
21 flutter kicks IC
15 penguin crunches IC.