ALARM Repeater


PAX: Manti, Cat Scratch, Freddie Mac, JV, Kwon Do, Legz, and Brokeback(FNG)

Q: Legz

It was tough getting out of bed this morning after a lot of fun from our 2nd F last night.

Warm-Up: Mosey around Gator clinic parking lot and circled up. Disclaimer for the FNG and then did SSH, WMH, Abe Vigodas, Imperial Walkers, Jack Webbs, Forward Arm Circles, and 10 merkins OYO.

The Thang: ALARMS

After some warm-up exercises we mosey to the corner of Colonial and McNeil to start ALARMS: A- Arms L- Legz, A-Abs (It was noted that JV’s abs are perfect and need no work), R- R exercise M- M exercise

Round 1: Wheelbarrow up the 4 set of stairs, at the top 20 squats, 20 flutter kicks, run down the stairs to and return to the starting point, then 10 mountain merkins. Repeat a second time.

Round 2: Mosey to the tennis courts and Crab Walk length of tennis courts, 10 step back lunges each leg, 10 American hammers, backwards run, 20 mountain climbers.

Round 3: Mosey to the base of the path that takes you to the top parking lot. 20 merkins, 20 jump squats, 10 heals to heaven, run to the parking lot, 20 monkey humpers.

Round 4: Mosey to a light pole and bear crawl to the next light pole, broad jump back, 20 pickle pounders, run to our FNG to check on him after splashing merlot, and run down the stairs where we performed 10 HR merkins.

Round 5: 10 derkins, 10 step-ups each leg, 10 big boys and then mosey back to the cars.

Recover. Recover. COT and Name-o-rama. Welcome Brokeback!

Lots of events going on. Check Slack for details.

Good luck to Herschel and Double Humpee as they tackle the Spartan Beast tomorrow.

It was a pleasure leading today. Great job fellas!