Redneck Christmas HIITs

Sparta, Salem, VA

Conditions: 47 deg. F, partly cloudy, winds NW at 29 mph gusting to 47 mph

PAX: Cat Scratch, Dairy Queen, Freddie Mac, Herschel, JV, Manti, Pipeline, Zebra

Q: Pipeline

No one brought a kite this morning, so we did a HIIT workout instead, featuring probably the best Christmas playlist that $6.99 will buy on iTunes. Herschel wore shorts and said he was quite comfortable.

The PAX ran to the shelter of the civic center to escape the tornado. In an alcove there, they did a warmup and moved on to The Thang.

The Thang: HIIT workout. 20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest, times eight. One minute recovery. Repeat all that times six.

First round: SSH

Second round: mountain climbers

Third round: High knees

Fourth round: Parker Peters

Fifth round: Jump squats

Sixth round: Flutter kicks

The PAX yogged back into the tornado to the cars. Recover. Recover.

Count-o-rama. Announcements: Murph tonight at VVT. Christmas Day workout at Overlander with DQ as Q. New Year’s Day run up Mill Mountain. Keep Legz’s mom and family in your prayers.

Pipeline took us away.

An honor and a privilege!