75’s, 20’s, and 11’s

Pax : Seabiscuit, Bundy, Centrum Silver, Double Humpy, Frack, Huffy, Dunphy

Q : Seabiscuit

Mosey 4 corners of the closest football field with 10 Plank Jacks each corner. Circle up for IC Abe Vagoda, WMH, Imperiel Walkers and 5 oyo Jump Squats.

75’s :

Line up for a 75 yard run fast with first 10 steps high knees ; repeat with first 20 steps high knees ; repeat with first 30 steps high knees ; repeat with first 40 steps high knees.

Line up for a 75 yard run fast with first 10 steps butt kickers ; repeat with first 20 steps butt kickers ; repeat with first 30 steps butt kickers ; repeat with first 40 steps butt kickers.

20’s :

4 Rounds : 20 IC SSH ; 20 merkins ; 20 IC Freddy Mercury ; 10 burpees.

11’s :

Jacobs Ladder down, starting with 10 merkins and 1 air squat….finish with 1 merkin and 10 air squats.

Back to the football field, partner up for Bear Hunter :

1st round bear crawl, 2nd round lunge walk, 3rd round crab walk, 4th round crawl bear, 5th round walk crab.

Recover, Recover

Announcements : Lynchburg launch April 23rd. Dunphy Qing the April 30 Lynchburg (Dunphy driving a clown car). Friday lunch in Salem at El Jefe’s. Guessing noon for lunch. Stay tuned and reach out for details.


Double Humpy took us away.

An honor and a pleasure.