Cinderblock Tuesday

Sparta, Salem, VA

Conditions: 46 deg. F, cloudy

PAX: Cat Scratch, Dunphy, Legz, Manti, Pipeline, Snake, Zebra

Q: Pipeline

Why did YHC choose a coupon workout after a Spartan weekend?

Yog to the Andrew Lewis statue in front of the civic center. Warmup. Yog back to the parking lot near the football stadium.

PAX took turns rotating through exercises using 32 lb. cinderblocks. The end station was the timer, who ran to the ticket booth at the baseball stadium and back.

Rounds 1 and 2: cinderblock merkins, American Hammers holding the block, big boys with the block, curls, squats with the block, and SSH. Rinse and repeat.

Rounds 3 and 4: flutter kicks holding the block up, forward lunges with the block, reverse lunges with the block, overhead presses, tricep extensions, and burpees. Round 4 was a lightning round: only run to halfway to the ticket booth.

Back to the cars for some quick Mary. COT, announcements, name-o-rama. YHC took us out.

An honor and privilege!