A Little of This and That


PAX: Pipeline, Puffs, Double Humpy, Cat Scratch

Q: Cat Scratch

Upon gathering, we roamed over to the parking lot on Reserve (Monday’s AO), though we did stop along the way to do some monkey humpers.

warmed up with some SSHs, squats, jump squats, Rubios, arm circles, IWs, Good Mornings, Abe Vagoda’s, Rubios while performing reverse arm circles, and Star Jumps.

We moseyed around the lot over to the bleachers where we did some step ups, dips, box jumps, Watkins, box squats, and Derkins.

We then moseyed around the parking lot and went back over by the seats at the end of the front part of the parking lot where we stood in front of the curb and jumped up and back 10x then turn 90 degrees and repeat, turn 90 and repeat, turn 90 and repeat.

Mosey around the lot and stop to do some plank jacks and some LBCs. Run further down the lot and perform some modified plank jacks. I then attempted to instruct them to perform an exercise where you lunge forward with right leg, lunge sideways right with right leg, then a reverse lunge right leg, lunge sideways left with left leg and lunge forward with left leg. However, I was not coordinated enough to pull it off consistently. At this point, Puffs wowed us with his break dancing abilities. Amazing!

We moved on the the pedestrian bridge and traveled over performing Everest’s.

We then ran backwards down Wiley Drive stopping at each street light to perform an exercise, which included squats, Rubios while performing forward arm circles, merkins, jack webbs, and a few others. Jog over to the tennis courts where we completed Mary: flutter kicks, Heals to Heaven, penguin crunches, Freddie Mercury’s, 6 inches, Parker peters and F3 Swimmers.

Namarama and announcements: Overlander tomorrow, run and ruck to Mill Mtn on Friday.

Prayers and we are finished.

A pleasure to be with these men today.