Victory Valley, Roanoke, VA

Conditions: 74 deg. F, partly cloudy, 94 percent humidity

PAX: Double Humpee, Herschel, JV, Legz, Pipeline, Slim (F3 Hendersonville), Zebra

Q: Pipeline

Pipeline was a last-minute substitute for Cat Scratch as Q and it’s probably a good thing, because he knew firsthand how whooped several of the PAX, including Herschel, JV, Zebra and himself, were. The summer heat and humidity is starting to wear on the men. So he chose an all-core workout in order to spend as much time on our backs in the cool, wet grass as possible.

Warmp: Yog around the soccer field. Run in place and drop for merkins. A few other things.

The Thang: Line up on the end line of the soccer field. A PAX selected a core exercise, which was completed in cadence. Then all PAX ran a suicide to the 18 and midfield. The next PAX chose another CORE exercise, which was added to the first, followed by the suicide. Rinse and repeat.

Round 1: Big Boys OYO

Round 2: Add Freddie Mercurys

Round 3: Add Penguin Crunches

Round 4: Add Pickle Pounders

Round 5: Add Sharon Stones

Round 6: Add Parker Peters

Round 7: Add Sky Pickles

Mosey to the midfield circle for some quick stretching.

Recover. Recover.


Announcements: 3rd F today at ODB at 6:30 pm. Fourth Anniversary/Annual Ultimate Game/Revealing of the Ochos/Reading of the PAX list/Tour of Varsity Park/Coffee and Donuts Supreme Fun Fest and Family Fun Day is Saturday, August 22 at R.E. South at 6:30 AM. There will be a typed itinerary and a podium. Anyone with a gong and possibly a brass band should contact JV.

Double Humpee took us out.

A good time was had by some!