
“Three tomatoes are walking down the street — a papa tomato, a mama tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Papa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and squishes him, and says, ‘Catch up.’ ”

–Mrs. Mia Wallace, Pulp Fiction

Conditions: 68 deg. F | Clear | Humid

PAX: Baby Steps, Buubs, Cat Scratch, HC3, JV, Pipeline

Q: Pipeline

Six PAX gathered at #Swift Dinkey for a little road work on the Roanoke River Greenway.

The THANG: Half the group would run ahead at Fellowship Pace (the pace at which you can still sing opera while running) while the other half stayed in place and did an exercise. Then the exercise group played catchup, caught the running group and ran ahead at Fellowship Pace, and the runners became the exercisers. Rinse and repeat.

Buubs left early to get his 2.0 on a bus for a school field trip. Or for a beer. Not sure which.

COT. Name-o-rama. Get your gear order in by Friday. HC3 took us away.

An honor and a privilege!