Victory Valley Variety Pack

Conditions: 69 deg. F | Clear skies

PAX: Double Humpee, Frizzle, HC3, Klump, Palmolive, Pipeline, Puffs, Tomax (Hutz), Twitch, Virginia Creeper, Xamot (Saul)

Q: Pipeline

11 mighty PAX took the pitch at #Victory Valley to get a little better this morning. Hutz arrived a few seconds late, but having given proper warning on Slack, the PAX were prepared and did burpees until he was ready.

Warmup: One lap around the field to lubricate everyone’s footwear. Then SSH IC x 25, Willie Mays Hays IC x 10, Jack Webbs x 15 IC, windmills x 10 IC, AC x 15, RAC x 15, 30 second toe touch.

The Thang: Starting at one corner of the field, the PAX did an exercise and then rotated clockwise to the next corner. The first corner was a core exercise, the next was a travel, the third was a lower body and the fourth was an upper body (usually). Hold a plank or low squat at each corner while PAX reassembled.

Round 1: 10 big boys OYO and jog to the next corner; inchworm 2/3 of the way across the end line and jog to corner; 10 squats OYO and jog to next corner; 10 merkins OYO and return to start.

Round 2: Front, left, right and front planks x 15 count each and jog to next corner; bear crawl 2/3 of the way across the end line and jog to corner; 15 monkee humpers OYO and jog to next corner; 15 burpees OYO and return to start.

Round 3: 20 American Hammers IC and jog to next corner; crab walk 2/3 of the way across the end line and jog to corner; 20 step ups per leg OYO on wooden rail and jog to next corner; 20 single count plank jacks OYO and return to start.

Round 4: 25 Freddy Mercuries OYO ( two elbow to knee touches=1) and jog to next corner; Everest to next corner; 25 jump lunges (count each one) OYO and jog to next corner; 25 ATMs OYO and return to start.

Round 5: 20 LBCs OYO and jog to next corner; gorilla crawl 2/3 of the way across the end line and jog to corner; 15 dips IC and jog to next corner; Superman 3 x 15 count.

Recover. Recover.


JV is planning a 2nd F at Mac and Bob’s for next week.

Blindspot just posted info for a 5K at William Byrd on Slack.

Football and tailgate at #Sparta on Black Friday.

Saturday is the last day at Countryside; then #Star City moves to Wasena for good.

Twitch says Pinky is at Disneyworld. The PAX were split on whether he should return.


COT. Pipeline took us out.

An honor and a privilege as always!