Cops vs Robbers

Date: 11/3/2017

Q: Acorn

PAX: Acorn, Cat Scratch, Dracula, Dunphy, Glee, Herschel, Jimmer, JV, Manti, Prince Tuesday, Puffs, Sea Biscuit, Space Jam


Warmup: Jog a couple of laps around the parking area with some high knees and butt kicks thrown in.

  1. SSH x 25 IC – then Jog back to cars to pick up sandbags and carry over to the road for)
  2. pop-up Merkins (onto curb) x 5 OYO – run up the grassy knoll
  3. pop-up merkins (onto curb) x 5 OYO – run to bottom of the first big hill
  4. arm circle x 20 IC
  5. reverse arm circle x 20 IC
  6. Wind mill x 15 IC
  7. WMH x 15 IC

The Thang – Cops vs Robbers

4 PAX are identified as robbers while remaining 9 are cops.  The lower parking area is designated as America and the upper lot is Mexico.  Robbers must bear crawl/crawl bear down the steep hill to America, lunge walk while in America with the goal of stealing 4 sandbags from the American banks and escaping to Mexico (up the steep hill) as a group before the cops catch them.  Cops must perform 50 Merkins and 50 squats before they can chase down the robbers.  Rinse/Repeat until all get a chance to be robbers.

Next we all traveled to Mexico to attempt the Merkin Caterpillar – key word being attempted.

We then all ran to Panama (up the hill to the top lot) for some additional fun, but first we stopped to perform some more of my favorite – the pop-up merkins (x5 OYO)

Once in Panama, we played cops/robbers (sharks/minows).  Robbers at one light pole, cops at another.  Robbers run past cops to the 3rd light pole and back to the first before they are tagged by cops.  Cops must do 4 burpees before they can start chasing robbers.  everyone had a turn as a robbers – all robbers were caught (thanks to Glee)


We all headed back to mexico for some flutter kicks x 30-35 IC and returned the sandbags to the cars

recover, recover



Lots of fun today.  Be on the lookout for more fun tomorrow!


GoRuck Challenge is coming to Roanoke in March.  Don’t think about it, just sign up – you’ll be glad that you did!

Click below to register