Well Rested

PAX– Blindspot, Dunphy, Frack, Double Humpy, Twitch, Cat Scratch, Herschel, Legz, Puffs, Charlattan

QIC– Blindspot


10 PAX get in a beat down courtesy of a well-rested Q who was unable to make the train pull!



Mosey up ramps to 4 (the long way). Back down stairs to G and circle up for:

30 SSH, 15 Rubios, 10 Windmill, 15 IW, 10 Slo-merkins, 20 AC/20RAC


Thang- 7’s

PAX is to perform a set of exercises, then run 7 flights of stairs. First person to finish picks a core. Threw in some traveling exercises just for fun!


Round 1- 25 HR Merkins–>Up to 6, down to G, up to 1–>flutter kicks.

Round 2- 30 DC Monkey Humpers, 10 HR Merkins, –>Bear Crawl across to metal grate, low squat hold until all arrive. Up to 6, down to G, up to 2–>Plank until all arrive.

Round 3- 20 Mountain Climbers DC, 15 DC Monkey Humpers, 10 HR Merkins–>Crab walk to grate,  wall-sit until all arrive. Up to 6, down to G, up to 3–>Low Squat Hold.

Round 4- 15 Jump Squats, 10 Mountain Climbers DC, 15 MH, 10 HR Merkins–>Traveling Burpee to grate, LBC’s until all arrive. Up to 6, down to G, up to 4–>Low Squat Hold

Round 5- 10 Burpees, 10 Jump Squats, 10 MC, 10 MH, 10 HR Merkins–>Up to 6, down to G–>Wall Sit.


Recover. Recover. Everyone got their money’s worth on this one!


Count, Names, COT



*Train pull sounded like a great event, even if we did only get 2nd place! Big thanks again to Herschel and his company for stepping up!

**DH has the winter gear order coming out in the upcoming days.


Always an honor to lead this group, strong work fellas!