Burpees, Stairs, Running…OH MY!

Q: Glee

PAX: Charlatan, Dunphy, Jeter, Abba, Space Jam, Twitch, Ari Gold, Zebra, Cake, Glee

10 pax showed up in the Sparta gloom for a solid stair run and a little action around the football field. Not sure about anyone else, but my legs sure did feel a little wobbly this morning.


The pax took two laps around the football field then gathered in the end zone for a little dynamic stretches before circling up.

Stretches: Lunge walks to the 25 yard line, butt kickers to the 50, Frankenstein to the 25, lunge walks to the end zone. Then we turned around and performed carioca to the 50 with the left foot leading, then turned around and finished to the end zone with the right foot leading. Circle up for: 20 SSH, 20 forward AC, 20 reverse AC, 20 Rubios all IC.


This was broken up in to two parts: Jacob’s ladder (Zebra wanted some stair action) then a four corner escalator.

Jacob’s ladder:

Run up the bleacher stairs to the top, across the section, then back down the next stairs back to the field. Once back, do one burpee. Repeat this sequence for seven times, but every time you return to the field, you add a burpee (ex: lap 1=one burpee, lap 2=2 burpees, etc…)

Four corner escalator:

Starting at the end zone corner closest to the entrance, do 10 burpees and then run the sideline to the next corner. Second corner: 10 burpees, 15 Big Boys. Third Corner: 10 burpees, 15  Big Boys, 20 Merkins. Fourth Corner: 10 burpees, 15 Big Boys, 20 Merkins, 25 Squats. Dunphy sure did look fresh and well rested this morning….

Mary: Dealers Choice

Glee: 20 American Hammers IC

Cake: 20 Freddie Mercuries IC

Dunphy: 15 Heels to Heaven IC

Space Jam: 20 Penguin Crunches IC

Recover Recover


Announcements/Special requests: Mud run in two weeks. Contact Zebra if interested. Stair run next Monday, 9/11 with a start time of 0515. Special prayer request for Solo and his family.

It was a pleasure leading you fellas this morning!