4’s on the 4th

13 PAX and 1 FNG start their Independence Day off right with an hour long beatdown, with 7 for coffeeteria at Mill Mountain after!



2 Laps around field (Q realizes the width of a football field is quite a bit longer than anticipated, this will come into play later), high knees to the 25, butt kicks to the 50. Quick disclaimer then circle up for: 30 SSH, 10 WM, 10 WMH, 20 Rubios, 20 AC, 20 RAC, 20 Jack Webbs, 10 Slo-Merkins *All done IC


Thang- 4’s on the 4th

PAX lines up on the side-line of the field, performs a circuit of 4 exercises, a traveling exercise to the 2nd hash mark (all the way across may have been an over-estimate), then run up the stadium steps to the top and back down, across field and back to start. Core exercises until all arrive.


4 Exercise Circuit- 4 Burpees, 8 Catalina Wine Mixers, 12 Squats, 16 LBC’s


Traveling Exercises were:

Round 1- Traveling Burpee

Round 2- Bear Crawl

Round 3- Crab Walk

Round 4- Lunge Walk (Some of the PAX were thinking maybe 4 rounds would be the stopping point….)

Round 5- Crawl Bear

Round 6- Inch worm w/ a pushup (aka the finisher)

*Core exercises included: Flutter kicks, 6 inch hold, LBC’s, Big-boy sit-ups, Low squat hold, wall sit. All were called by Glee btw, no one else could keep up!


American Mary

To celebrate our 241 years of freedom, Q figures a 241 second plank is in order! 90 second plank, 30 second side plank, 30 second side plank, 91 second bow and toes. Recover. Recover.


Count, Names, COT


*Welcome FNG Hamm, strong work for an hour-long 1st post!

**Great to have Pet Sounds up from Raleigh, sounds like he’s in for a trip up McAfee’s in the near future!


Honor to lead this group today and enjoy the freedoms we are blessed with! Strong work fellas!