I borrowed a Dunphy workout from Feb and we revisited the LFH. We had the right number of coupons and sandbags.
Warm Up:
Lap around the traffic circle
Imperial Walkers
Run to the benches for Box Jumps, Dips, Steps Ups with Beeper King knee slaps, Derkins
Pick up 2 sandbags and 2 bricks each and run to the LFH.
Everyone with bricks runs to 1st light pole and does brick man makers (merkin, rows, plank jack, jack webb) and repeat until 2 PAX with sandbags run to the 3rd light pole and back to the PAX at 1st light pole. Switch sandbag runners. Each rotation moves PAX 1 light pole up the LFH. Go to top.
On the way back down the LFH, PAX run to 2nd light pole and do brick merkins. Sandbag runners do 15 squats at each light pole and catch PAX. Rotate and repeat to bottom.
Head back to Fishburn, but on the way back bricks overhead with sandbags rotating through PAX.
Banana pose with bricks overhead
6 inch hold with bricks overhead
Penguins to finish