Pain Train Escalator

A strong 8 PAX on a foggy morning in the gloom so we moseyed to the parking garage.…


Side shuffle hop x 25 IC
Willy Mays Hays x 10 IC
Mountain climbers x 20 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
Little Marcos x 20 OYO
Arm circles (forward) x 20 IC

Arm circles (backwards) X 20 IC

Burpees x 10 OYO

The Thang:

Mosey over to the ground floor incline

Ground Floor
Squats x 10 IC
Jogged to 1st Floor
Merkins x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Jogged with lunge walk to 2nd floor
Cadre Phil Overhead Clap x 25
Merkins x 5
Squats x 10
Jogged with bear crawl to 3rd floor
Little Soldiers x 10
Cadre Phil Overhead Clap x 20
Merkins x 5
Squats x 5
Jogged with crawl bear to 4th floor
10 burpees OYO
Little Soldiers x 10
Cadre Phil Overhead Clap x 20
Merkins x 5
Squats x 5
Jogged to 5th floor
5 burpees OYO
Little Soldiers x 10
Cadre Phil Overhead Clap x 20
Merkins x 5
Squats x 5
Jogged to roof of parking garage
People’s wall
PAX perform Cadre Phil Overhead Clap on wall while partners do Merkins x 10
Jogged down six flights of stairs to ground level
7 Minutes of Mary Dealers’ Choice
Flutter kick x 20 IC
Freddy Murcury x 20 IC
6″ hold x 20 IC
American Hammer x 15 IC
Partner Leg throwdowns x 20 OYO
Penguin Crunches x 20 IC
LBC x 10 IC
Plank 10 count around the circle to close

COT: Count, Namorama, announcements, BOM

F3 Shout out for Ma’Ne in his first day in new job in Philly.